Monday, December 17, 2007

How to get role items in a K2 blackpearl role

In my last project , I got so many obstacles in development phase. One of most annoying thing I encountered is how to get role item in a K2 blackpearl role. After days of training with K2 guys from Singapore, finally I got the code. Here they are.

First, add this reference to the project you want to place the code.

using SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Management;

Second, declare an instance of UserRoleManager like this :

private SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Management.UserRoleManager _roleManager = new SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Management.UserRoleManager();

Third, add a property like this (note that the connection string may vary according to your computer configuration)

public SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Management.UserRoleManager RoleManager
string connString = string.Empty;

if (_roleManager == null)
_roleManager = new UserRoleManager();


if (!_roleManager.Connection.IsConnected)
connString = "Integrated=True;IsPrimaryLogin=True;Authenticate=True;EncryptedPassword=False;Host=BLACKPEARL;Port=5555";//Connection string to HostServer


return _roleManager;

Then , add a method to read the role items in a K2 blackpearl role (this method returns the role items in semicolon separated format, example: denallix\codi;denallix\anthony)

public string GetK2RoleUsers(string K2Role)
Role role = RoleManager.GetRole(K2Role);
string sRoleName = "";

foreach (UserItem UIDel in role.Include)
if (sRoleName.Equals(""))
sRoleName += UIDel.Name.Split(":".ToCharArray())[1];
sRoleName += ";" + UIDel.Name.Split(":".ToCharArray())[1];

return sRoleName.ToLower();

To make it clearer , I give a complete code how to use this in a server event code. In this example, I want to get all the role items in a K2 role named "IA" and place the result in K2 DataField named "DestinationApproval"

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using SourceCode.KO;
using SourceCode.Workflow.Common.Extenders;
using hostContext = Project_5b686e4bb3d24c9b9dfa1d2ef7e5ffb5.EventItemContext_cd0b00f67cf744188529af119ccd3f6b;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Management;

namespace ExtenderProject_5b686e4bb3d24c9b9dfa1d2ef7e5ffb5
public partial class EventItem_cd0b00f67cf744188529af119ccd3f6b : ICodeExtender<hostContext>
//Open Connection to RoleManager
private SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Management.UserRoleManager _roleManager = new SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Management.UserRoleManager();
public void Main(Project_5b686e4bb3d24c9b9dfa1d2ef7e5ffb5.EventItemContext_cd0b00f67cf744188529af119ccd3f6b K2)
string userIA = GetK2RoleUsers("IA");
K2.ProcessInstance.DataFields["DestinationApproval"].Value = userIA;
//you can ignore this code below, it's specific to business process of my module :)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
string infopathFormName = K2.ProcessInstance.DataFields["InfopathFormName"].Value.ToString();
string xmlString = K2.ProcessInstance.XmlFields[infopathFormName].Value;
string xpathTempUser = K2.ProcessInstance.DataFields["XPathTempUser"].Value.ToString();
XmlNamespaceManager NamespaceManager = InitNamespaceManager(doc);
XPathNavigator root = doc.CreateNavigator();
XPathNavigator node = root.SelectSingleNode(xpathTempUser, NamespaceManager);
K2.ProcessInstance.XmlFields[infopathFormName].Value = doc.InnerXml;

public string GetK2RoleUsers(string K2Role)
Role role = RoleManager.GetRole(K2Role);
string sRoleName = "";

foreach (UserItem UIDel in role.Include)
if (sRoleName.Equals(""))
sRoleName += UIDel.Name.Split(":".ToCharArray())[1];
sRoleName += ";" + UIDel.Name.Split(":".ToCharArray())[1];

return sRoleName.ToLower();
public SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Management.UserRoleManager RoleManager
string connString = string.Empty;

if (_roleManager == null)
_roleManager = new UserRoleManager();


if (!_roleManager.Connection.IsConnected)
connString = "Integrated=True;IsPrimaryLogin=True;Authenticate=True;EncryptedPassword=False;Host=BLACKPEARL;Port=5555";//Connection string to HostServer


return _roleManager;
public XmlNamespaceManager InitNamespaceManager(XmlDocument xmlDOMDoc)
XmlNamespaceManager xnmMan;

xnmMan = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDOMDoc.NameTable);

foreach (XmlAttribute nsAttr in xmlDOMDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes)

if (nsAttr.Prefix == "xmlns")

xnmMan.AddNamespace(nsAttr.LocalName, nsAttr.Value);


return xnmMan;



jey said...

Also checkout my blog post on this topic here:

agoesz said...

Thanks for your comment jey :)

Anonymous said...

Gr8 post...actually i need email id of the roleitems., how to get the individual role items email ids.

Anonymous said...

ne to :)
need to get emails.